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Dear Students and Families, Hello! Welcome to our Gifted Support/Humanities Class!
Gifted Support is a community of learners. New this year, we will meet during Science and Social Studies! We will be learning and discovering many new and interesting things and will explore a variety of ways to deepen our learning!
Problem solving, thinking critically and creatively, and collaboration are the name of the game as we explore this new adventure together!
I am looking forward to the new 2022 -23 school year with an intention of providing meaningful learning environments to excite, ignite, and encourage our gifted learners to discover more about themselves and the world around them.
REMINDER: 2 PLASTIC FOLDERS WITH PRONGS ARE REQUESTED, along with your favorite pencils and sketching utensils in a soft pouch or bag. I can't wait to see you when school begins and hear about your summer adventures! My summer was filled with sun, sand, family, and a chance to unplug and recharge at the beach... looking forward to talking with you soon!Love,Mrs. K