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Homework Expectations

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*Board Policy of 60 minutes maximum per night.
Reading: Students are expected to read at least 100 minutes per week for homework.  It is recommended that students read over the weekend as well.    Math: Students will receive math homework in this area each evening.   It is an important reinforcement of the skills learned in class that day.  If there is no "written" homework, students should study for upcoming quizzes or tests.   All subjects:  - Students are responsible for making up any missed work.  Parents will be notified of consistent missing assignments.  - Tests and quizzes will be returned in both digital and hard copy forms. I will notify you each Friday of grades that were returned to students that week so that you can be sure you are not missing any grades.   -When absent, students are responsible for checking the Google Classroom and finding out what they missed.  Recess and the WIN period are the best times to catch-up.  -We hold daily intervention time for students who need extra help.  Students should come prepared with specific questions that I can answer.  I encourage students to be their own advocates, as this is a life-long skill that they will carry through middle school, high school and even college.