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Information for Parents

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 Important Information for Fourth Grade Parents    

Take Home Folder:

Each student will have a take home folder, which will be used for important papers and notes.  Please remind your 4th grader to check the folder every night!  You can also use this folder to send in notes about changes in dismissal, lunch money, and any other correspondence.     Homework Book: Please check and sign your 4th grader's assignment book on a nightly basis. Your child is required to record nightly homework and include other information about upcoming school news & events in his/her assignment book. You may also use this book to write a quick note to us, but please be sure your child addresses the note with us when he/she arrives at school.        Arrival/Dismissal: Students may arrive at school between 8:50-9:10.  Dismissal begins at 3:40. 
  Changes in Dismissal: You can communicate a change of dismissal via note in their folder, email to us and the office ( or call the office (215)944-2200.     Snack: Please send in one nutritious snack for snack time each day (even early dismissal days).  Students will be permitted 1 snack in the classroom per day. We are a NUT FREE classroom, so please refrain from sending in snacks that contain nuts.   Birthdays/Class parties: We look forward to celebrating your child's birthday in school!  If you'd like to send in something for the class, non-edible treats (such as a pencil, stickers, etc.) are welcome. 
  Conferences/Report Cards:  Conferences will be held in November, prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.  
Responsive Classroom
  • Morning Meeting 
  • Rule Creation
  • Interactive Modeling
  • Positive Teacher Language
  • Logical Consequences
  • Guided Discovery
  • Academic Choice
  • Classroom Organization
  • Working with Families