Journeys Language Arts Program
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Beginning September 2012…Journeys will be the District’s Core Comprehensive Language Arts Program. Journeys Core Reading Program is published through Harcourt/Houghton Mifflin and was chosen by a committee of teachers across the district after a three year process of exploring and studying various programs. Last year, thirty classroom teachers across the district implemented this program in various grade levels. Journeys is researched and aligned to the Common Core Standards. Journeys Core Reading Program is a systemic cohesive program that will benefit all students. It will be our entire Language Arts Program --- which will include whole group and small group instruction with a strong literature base, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and writing. Technology is fully integrated into this program and will include a home access component.
We here at Newtown Elementary are excited to begin this “journey”. You will learn more about our new program throughout the year. If you would like to explore what the program has to offer – please access the homepage site below.