Newtown Code of Conduct
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Newtown Elementary School Code of Conduct
Students and staff at Newtown Elementary School promise to follow all portions of our Newtown Elementary School Code of Conduct.
General Rules
- Show respect, cooperation, responsibility, and good sportsmanship in all areas of our school community.
- Keep hands, feet, and other objects to ourselves.
- Respect ourselves, others, and all property.
- Let teachers teach and learners learn.
- Show good manners.
Students will demonstrate proper learning conduct to allow teachers to teach and learners to learn by: listening carefully, following directions, and giving their best effort.
Bus Rules
- Walk to and from the bus on sidewalks only.
- Unless it is an emergency, do not speak to the driver.
- Listen to your driver.
- No eating on the bus.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus.
- Never throw anything on the bus or out the windows.
- Rules which apply to behavior in school will also be applied at bus stops and during travel.
****Riding the bus is a privilege. Students who do not follow the rules may be given an assigned seat or suspension.
Cafeteria Expectations
- Sit at assigned class tables (seats are not assigned).
- Stay seated unless given permission otherwise.
- Raise hand for assistance.
- Buy snack when you buy lunch; students cannot return to the line.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Students must get a pass for the bathroom or the nurse.
- Students may not leave the cafeteria to return to the classroom unless escorted by an adult.
- Be quiet when cafeteria lights are turned off.
- Use inside voices.
- Always listen to the adults on the playground.
- Do not leave the playground without permission.
- Students must get a pass for the bathroom or the nurse.
- Line up immediately when the whistle is blown.
- Follow guidelines for using equipment safely.
- Indoor Recess: remain in assigned classrooms, use indoor voices, and play quiet games.
- Walk quietly.
- Stay on the right side of the hallway.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Walk in a single file line.
- Go directly to where you need to go.
- Speak in a quiet voice.
- Spend only as much time as needed, then leave.
- Leave all school supplies outside of the bathroom.
- Use the facilities properly: flush toilet after each use, keep water in the sinks, dispose of trash in cans.
- Wash hands.
- Respect others’ privacy.
Drop Off and Arrival
- Please exit your car swiftly, on the curb side.
- Enter the building promptly and go directly to your classroom.
- Please take responsibility to be on time. Drop off begins at 8:50. The school day begins at 9:10. After 9:10, a parent must sign students in at the office.