Beanie Baby Decoding Strategies
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Stuck on a Word? Eagle EyeLook at the pictures! ~look at the picture for clues to help figure out words Lips the FishGet your lips ready!~say the first few sounds of the words aloud~ read it and say it again Stretchy SnakeS-t-r-e-t-c-h it out! ~stretch the sounds out slowly ~put them back together to figure out the word Chunky MonkeyChunk the word!~look for a chunk or word part that you know Tryin' LionTry it again!~ try to reread the sentence~try a word that makes sense Skippy FrogSkip It, Skip It! ~skip the word and read to the end of the sentence~hop back and try it again! Flippy DolphinFlip the vowel sound!~if it doesn't sound right, flip short and long vowel sounds Helpful Kangaroo Ask for help!~after you tried all the other strategies, ask for help