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Mission Statement:  The Council Rock Elementary Support Teams are committed to fostering the educational and personal growth of our children by removing the barriers to life-long learning.  We strive to meet each child's needs through a strengths-based process that addresses social, emotional, academic, and vocational development.

IST Philosophy:  The IST process represents a system of problem-solving driven by students' needs.  At the core of the process is the belief that all students can learn and all students matter.  IST maximizes the teaching resources by incorporating the best in education in A SYSTEMATIC SEARCH FOR WHAT WORKS.

Calmin Strategies

5-Point Scale Check-In - How are you feeling?

5-Point Scale Check-In - How are you feeling?

RtII (Response to Instruction and Intervention )

The Council Rock School District and Newtown Elementary School believe that it is important to intervene early when a child is experiencing academic issues related to reading development.  All Kindergarten and First Grade students will be universally screened using the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) at the beginning, middle and end of their school year.  When children do not meet the suggested grade level benchmarks, they will be given small group extra reading instruction/interventions in addition to the core reading curriculum.  These children will be monitored for progress in the hopes that they will meet grade level benchmarks and make progress.  If a child continues to have difficulty, a more individual approach will follow through our IST (Instructional Support Process).  The IST process continues the team approach and welcomes parent participation and input.  Questions regarding RtII can be addressed through contacting Suzanne Antonelli (Instructional Support Teacher) at or calling 215-944-2219.