Gifted Program
Mrs. Kaehler is the Gifted teacher for grades 2 - 6
Gifted Program in Council Rock School District
The Council Rock School District recognizes the need for programs for the gifted student whose abilities necessitate enriching the curriculum to include experiences that are different from the educational mainstream. The gifted program, also known as Gifted Support, is a supplement to the regular educational program.
The goals for the program are to encourage higher level thinking skills, enhance creativity, promote positive attitudes toward self and others, and broaden learning experiences beyond those in the regular classroom setting. These goals are designed to recognize the needs of children who process information in a unique manner. Many of our highest achieving, most adjusted, diligent workers, are children who do not qualify for this program and whose needs are being met within the regular classroom setting.
The goals of the program are achieved by incorporating the following:
· Emphasis on higher level thought processes.
· The use of problem solving as a vehicle.
· Integration of concept development into activities.
· Development of skills in locating and using resources.
· Development of self-evaluation skills.
· Emphasis of student’s responsibility for his/her own learning.
· Emphasis on exposure to thinking skill processes in both the affective and cognitive domain.
In grades three through twelve, the area of Social Studies is the vehicle for providing the program. Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade Social Studies classes meet every day. Gifted Support Social Studies replaces Social Studies in the regular class. The study of content follows the regular class guidelines, but in addition, includes enrichment activities.
The gifted program in Council Rock encompasses grades one through twelve. Screening for possible candidates for the program begins at the first grade level with teacher observations, activities and testing. A formal program starts near the end first. However, at any grade level recommendations can be made for screening and testing. In grades one and two, the program is of a "pull-out" nature with curriculum centering on a variety of special interest topics and enrichment activities.
For more information on the Gifted Program please see below:
Entry into the program involves a process which uses multiple criteria in assessment. Students from all grade levels can be recommended for evaluation. The first step involves a formal request from the parent or classroom teacher based on observation of a student’s academic strengths and higher level thinking skills. A parent and teacher inventory along with the administration of a short form test instrument. This instrument measures a student’s verbal, nonverbal and general cognitive functioning. The second tier of evaluation, for those students who qualify, is the administration of an full scale evaluation given by our school psychologist along with academic achievement tests. The Gifted Multidisciplinary Team reviews the results of these assessments and determines appropriate program placement.